Toroidal transformer
Toroidal transformers are most important for transformers rating . Toroidal transformer is a electronic device which transfers electrical energy from one electric circuit to another Circuit, without changing the frequency. The power transfer usually takes place with a change of low and high voltage. Toroidal transformers completly make of copper wire wrapped around a cylindrical core so the magnetic flux, which occurs within the coil, doesn’t leak out, the coil quality is good, and the magnetic flux has little influence on other components.
Some of the basic advantages of Toroidal transformers are as follows:
A effective transformer is less expensive to manufacture in the company . It also reduces your overall system cost by allowing for small packaging. A smaller transformer can reduce your overall cost as it has structural chassis design. Selecting a transformer core designed from a single strip of steel it will save cost by providing you the option of an infinite category of configurations. Lower off-load power consumption can reduce cost and increase overall energy efficiency. The efficiency or losses at each point in the whole system determines the overall system operating cost. Minimizing these losses lowers the cost of product .
provides long term cost savings to your customer. Selecting a transformer inherently void of low frequency audible noise will save costs by simplifying installation and improving the quality of the product. Substantial benefits can be derived from the use of toroids as long as thought is given to their application. There are two factors that are important. A completed path by any conductor passing through the center hole of the toroid around the outside constitutes a short-circuited turn. This condition will result in high circulating currents and high heat. The L-Bracket and clamping bracket described are both designed to avoid a shorted turn condition. The excellent magnetic properties of the toroidal transformer and the high remanence of the grain-oriented silicon steel, occasionally leads to high inrush current at turn-on. This is true when the circuit is completed at the zero-crossing of the input voltage wave form.
To prevent interruptions due to blown fuses, or supply breaker, some simple precautions should be taken. As the power rating of the transformer increases, the potential effect of the inrush current becomes greater. In these application where an even lower in rush currents is desired. Working with the manufacturer to developed construction techniques, without added circuitry, both the peak value and the duration of the in-rush current can be reduced. A slight increase in the overall size of the transformer is sometime necessary to facilitate the lower in-rush current.